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My Skills & Experience


Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to my GART 4000 Mentorship and Learning Portfolio. This course taught me so much about leadership, facilitation, critical thinking, and so much more. I was so lucky to be able to mentor 10 first-year students, while also creating relationships with other mentors, and being mentored at the same time. Here you will find a lot of the incredible things that I learned and experienced during my time enrolled in this course. I could not be more excited to share this all with you. At the top of the page, you will find different tabs that will take you to different parts of the portfolio. 

Teacher on Board

"I know that I do not know"


Quote Reflection 

This quote by Socrates is one that I hold dear to my heart. In my reflection on this quote, Socrates emphasizes the importance of learning. Socrates is a man of great influence, power, and authority who has followers who want to learn from him, and even then he expresses how little he actually knows. This quote displays the importance of searching for learning in every aspect of life and not being satisfied with your knowledge. As an education student, my teaching philosophy revolves a lot around being a life-long learner, which is my goal for every part of my life; including mentorship. Throughout my journey, it was important for me to absorb as much information and experience as I could so that I could continue applying these lessons in my breakouts and for the rest of my life. 
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